Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How does one search to contact someone in Leiden, Netherlands

How does one search to contact someone in Leiden, Netherlands?
I want to contact Adrian Sitsen, Engr. who used to work in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Netherlands - 1 Answers
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Nothing comes up anywhere for Adrian Sitsen, but there are listings for Adriaan Sitsen so presume this is the person you are talking about Now it's against against the TOS of Yahoo Answers to details personal details of 3rd parties so forgive me for being careful how I phrase this to maintiain the privacy of him (or indeed any other individual which might be confused with him) He is listed as a Scientific Advisor for the company "Affectis Pharmaceuticals AG" as recently as Feb 2010 http://www.sachsforum.com/zurich_elsceo10/sachs_elsceo_guide.pdf So you could ask them if they would be prepared to forward a letter/Email to him on your behalf (as it's unlikely they would give out personal contact details) Here is the contact details for the company http://www.affectis.com/contact I checked this site already http://wieowie.nl and it came up blank. This searches most places like social networking sites, both international & Dutch ones, plus LinkedIn and also the Dutch telephone guide (and I searched in the whole province of Zuid Holland where Leiden is listed) Therefore I do think that the company is probably your best option to contacting him.